The work of St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center depends on donations from people like you! Please consider a donation to help us address the pressing needs of generational poverty in Flint. Every dollar makes a massive difference for the people in our programs.

partner with st. luke n.e.w. life center

Becoming a partner shows your commitment to improving the lives of those living in the Flint area. You have the ability to play a role providing programs for at-risk individuals, helping them become more self-reliant. With your help, we are able to expand education, life skills, and provide work development to those who come to us. To become a partner, call Sr. Carol at 810-239-8710 Ext. 102.

major gifts

Charitable giving is an excellent way to honor those you love and make a difference to those in need. If you are interested in making a major charitable contribution to the St. Luke N.E.W. Life Center, Contact Us or call Sr. Carol at 810-239-8710 at Ext. 102 about ways to create a legacy at N.E.W. Life!